Jason J Thompson

Jason has been committed to the family business for over 20 years. Provides estimates, coordinates and oversees projects.


Thompson-Master Masons, Inc.

Employee - 1980- Current

Thompson Master Masons is a family-owned and operated company. As one of Sheridan’s most trusted and dependable masonry contractors for the last 40 years, we are committed to providing you with superior customer service and h...

MCAA State Chairman

State Chairman

The State Chairman position job description is as follows:

Attend both the Annual and Midyear Meetings
Attend quarterly conference calls
Communicate with chapters and members within the state about the MCAA
Recruit at least ...

How the 2015 IBC Will Impact Your Business

The efficiencies afforded by the 2015 edition of the IBC can significantly reduce the cost, increase productivity, and improve the viability of concrete masonry construction.

About: Featured
Building Code Anxiety?

Navigating the array of design and construction requirements of any contemporary building code is more than a little daunting.

About: Featured