Al V Slattery


Al Slattery Masonry, Inc.

Employee - 1980- Current

We strive to provide the customer with a quality product with an emphasis on keeping masonry affordable by using the latest technology and equipment. We are committed to safety and in training future craftsmen for our industr...

MCAA State Chairman

State Chairman

The State Chairman position job description is as follows:

Attend both the Annual and Midyear Meetings
Attend quarterly conference calls
Communicate with chapters and members within the state about the MCAA
Recruit at least ...

Foundation Board


The Masonry Foundation awards grants once each year at the Association's annual Midyear Meeting. The grant submission process will open on June 15; applications are due by July 15 of each year for consideration at the MCAA Mi...

MCAA Membership Committee


When you want to take your membership to the next level, consider volunteering on the MCAA’s Membership Committee. Member volunteers help drive the MCAA. With every new volunteer, the MCAA becomes better equipped...