Committees: Strong Commitment to the MCAA

Words: Karen HickeyLast month I wrote about the efforts of the North Carolina Masonry Contractors Association to involve younger people in the masonry industry. I mentioned Brandon Hartsell, who is leading the charge in that state. Brandon was recently appointed co-chair of MCAA’s South of 40 Committee, and he’ll be working on a national level toward this effort. I’d like to congratulate him for being recognized by the MCAA for his enthusiasm!

But besides the South of 40 Committee, did you know that there are nine other committees working toward the long-range goals of the MCAA?

These include:
  1. Bylaws
  2. Certification
  3. Education
  4. Legislative
  5. Marketing
  6. Membership
  7. Safety
  8. Technical
  9. Workforce Development
Committees are the building blocks for associations – their backbone, their lifeblood. Think about it: the word shares the same root as the word commitment. It’s through strong committee structures that the work of successful associations is done. Committees and their chairmen, when motivated, help the organization involve members, develop direction and achieve its long-range goals. Any effective organization, whether it is a volunteer organization, private sector, or even governmental, can accomplish great tasks through strong, vital committee structures. The Mason Contractors Association of America is no different.

The MCAA’s ads carry the tagline, “We are masonry. Together we are stronger.” While this is a call for membership in the association, it is also a call for active participation. The more we put into the MCAA, the more we will get out of it and better our industry.

During the past few years, the MCAA has achieved significant milestones as a direct result of active committees. When members are committed to MCAA’s mission, the committees can carry on meaningful work, and successfully so.

Volunteer to participate in one of the MCAA's committees today. Contact the MCAA at to find out more.
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