Legislative Update: From the Desk of Mackie Bounds

Words: Mackie Bounds

To My Fellow MCAA Members,

As always there are exciting things taking place in our industry’s association. In March, it will be 35 years since our company joined and became a member of MCAA. It was the best decision I made in the early days of business. The MCAA has become a professional partner in many ways for all our companies.  

I want to take a minute to visit with you on a very important issue. We are all in business to make money. As owners, we enjoy the fact that we have control and often can decide what that number will be by our actions. What is frustrating is when the government steps in and penalizes us for being successful. Not only that but not allowing us to hire those who are in the country illegally. Who allowed them to come in illegally? Our government expects us to pay for their education, medical, housing, etc. It is time that we rise up as an industry and inform those who represent us in D.C. what our needs and frustrations are all about. There is a Bipartisan bill called the Dignity Act that addresses immigration reform. Is it a perfect bill? No, but it is a huge step in the right direction. As Legislative Chairman, I would like to encourage each member to plan a one-or-two-day trip to D.C. and meet with your congressmen (and women) and senators to share your thoughts. Request that they lay their party titles aside and simply become proud Americans and do what is best for our country rather than what is best for a political party.  

You can contact the MCAA office and ask them to help set up a trip to D.C. for you with our lobbyist, the Vogel Group, and I guarantee you will have productive meetings. If you have not seen the Dignity Act, please feel free to click this link for all the details.  

Dignity Act

In addition, as we get ready for our political circus that is about to get into full swing, I would ask you to consider making a contribution to our PAC. It supports the candidates who support the issues important to our industry. I can’t stress enough how important this is to our effectiveness in D.C. It does not have to be a huge sum; a hundred dollars multiplied by a lot of members participating adds up really fast. The dollars help us get people elected who have interests similar to us. I appreciate you all considering a contribution today. Again, reach out to the MCAA office today to join us in our efforts to bring masonry-friendly representatives to D.C. Make that contribution today; call 800-536-2225, and they will help you make that commitment.       

I am proud that we are members together of MCAA and we represent the “Masonry Nation” to the construction industry.  

Thank you, and God Bless America

- Mackie Bounds

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