February 2014: Chairman's Message

Words: Mark KempFebruary 2014

Chairman's Message

Ready for Action

I thought seeing as how this is my first article as your Chairman of MCAA, I should start with a brief introduction. For those who do not know me, my name is Mark Kemp, and I am the CEO of Superior Masonry Builders Inc. Superior is located in Milwaukee, Wis., and yes, I am a cheese head, Go Packers! Superior Masonry has been a member of MCAA for almost 50 years. I, personally, became involved with MCAA around 15 years ago starting as a regional VP. In 2004, the silica issue first raised its ugly head, and I was asked to chair the Construction Industry Silica Task Force. In 2006 the Task Force created a best practice manual to be used by the construction industry. This document was later modified and accepted by ASTM E-34. After serving many years as a regional VP, I was asked to serve on the executive board as treasurer. This was a very difficult time for MCAA. We hired a new executive director, moved the MCAA headquarters to a more manageable building size, and – like all of you – we had to make cuts to make sure MCAA would have a bright future. The good news is that the MCAA is back on solid ground, committed to serving its members to the highest degree. So, with the New Year come new goals and visions. MCAA will continue and strengthen its role as a leader in the masonry industry. MCAA will serve as the hub for the masonry industry working together with associations like NCMA, BSI, BIA, IMI, BAC and others for the good of the industry. The masonry industry has been fragmented far too long. The MCAA must and will take the lead to accomplish this very important task. By combining our strengths, we can eliminate our weakness. The MCAA will look at new options to reach out regionally to our members. I feel it is very important for me to hear our members’ and non-members’ needs and concerns, and to take action to resolve them. This reaching out will not only help strengthen our relationship with our existing members, but also serve as a means to attract new members. By growing our membership, MCAA becomes a stronger force to take on the many problems facing our industry. The voices of many are always louder than a few. Every leader has a different approach or style to lead. Some give great speeches and promise change but never deliver. I believe action speaks louder than words. So, I ask for your support to help me continue to make the MCAA the voice of the masonry industry. Together, we can accomplish great things for our industry. Remember, the MCAA is your association, and without your support and participation, it would not exist. In closing, I assure you I am excited and honored to lead your association for the next two years.?? I also would like to thank those who have served before me. I am blessed to work with a group of executive officers who share my visions along with Jeff, your president, all the regional VPs, committee chairs, state chairs, the MCAA staff and everyone who is a member and supporter of the MCAA. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you during my term and, if you see me, introduce yourself. To all of you, have a great day; and if you are not, then make one! Return to Table of Contents
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