MCAA Regional Report, Region H

Words: Ron AdamsCalifornia - Joel Guth
Hawaii - Stanley Wada
Nevada - No State Chair

Economic Conditions/Forecasts

2007 has proved to be dismal for new housing construction with a 36% drop in statewide sales from the previous November and a 12% year-to-year price drop as reported by the Los Angeles Times. Masonry construction in the non-residential market has continued along in a porpoising mode especially in Northern California. The economic forecast for California’ entire construction industry is predicted to be a "significant" challenge in 2008 and perhaps longer according to UCLA Anderson School of Business.

According to Brian Awakuni of the Hawaii Masonry Institute, the 2007 year work load was down 8% to 10% from the peak of 2005. Residential is down but not as severe as California, Arizona or Florida. Military spending continues at a good pace along with school construction. High-Rise construction is continuing at a sustained pace, but masonry is a small component of this work.

No State Chair.

Workforce Development

The Masonry Industry Training Association, affectionately known as MITA, has blossomed into a statewide leader as the entity to set-up and monitor pre-apprentice training programs in some California high schools.

For years, ORCO Block Company of Southern California has hosted masonry skills and fastest trowel competitions that have an enormous following held in October. For the first time, this past September, Northern California has participated in its first masonry skills and fastest trowel contest hosted by Basalite Block Company. The level of participation was magnificent and so, this is destined to be an annual event. A special thanks is extended to the host, ORCO and Basalite, for their commitment to the industry.

No report as of this writing.

No State Chair.

Masonry Marketing Activities

Over the past 30 years, the masonry industry has continually watched masonry lose market share as designers choose not to use masonry in their projects. Tragically, the industry has done little to effect change until recently. A new funding concept has been proposed to link together contractors with the manufacturers to establish and fund a statewide Masonry Advancement Council to, among funding administrative and research programs, and develop masonry advancement programs to effectively convince the design community on the merits of including masonry in their projects. A host of new and exciting ideas have developed, but this is a new concept that requires participation and discussion to forge a new and continuing path of growth for the California masonry industry as a whole.

The Hawaii Masonry Institute hosted an inspectors building code class to update and familiarize inspectors on the new IBC.

No State Chair.

OSHA & Safety

The new Silica Standard developed by and between industry and CAL OSHA over the past year will be voted on by the Standards Board very shortly. Watch for more information on this new standard as it progresses to become law.

No report as of this writing.

No State Chair.

Workers Compensation

No change in workers compensation rates for January 1, 2008. The no change announcement falls on the heels of eight consecutive PUC premium rate reductions resulting in cumulative rate decreases of 53% since 2003.

No report as of this writing.

No State Chair.

Law Update

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has set-up a series of workshops to be held throughout the state for the proposed diesel regulation for "on-road" heavy duty vehicles. For information on a workshop near you, log-on to CARB’ website. Don’t forget, the off-road diesel equipment regulation goes into effect as follows:

  • 2010 for large fleets of 5001+HP
  • 2013 for medium fleets of 2501-5000 HP
  • 2015 for small fleets of 2500 HP or less

The new regulation requires certain target "particulate matter" emission rates to be met by exhaust retrofit, engine replacement or retiring older equipment.

No report as of this writing.

No State Chair.

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