John J. Smith Masonry Company
Proud member of the Mason Contractors Association of America since 1990

John J. Smith Masonry Company

4138 Meramec Bottom Rd
Saint Louis, Missouri 63129 United States
 (314) 894-9500


John J. Smith Masonry is one of the largest mason contractors in the St. Louis region. We achieve the highest possible level of performance in safety, schedule, quality and value to the customer. We are the key to any construction team.


CommercialBlockResidentialStone (Exterior)Pavers




John Smith Jr.

2030 Alumni
John J. Sith is a 3rd generation Mason Contractor. John was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and has approached everything in life with the grea

John Smith Jr.

2030 Employee
John J. Sith is a 3rd generation Mason Contractor. John was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri and has approached everything in life with the grea

Rebecca Africano

2030 Employee

Josh Brown

2030 Employee

Randy Dickson

2030 Employee

Drew Gonz

2030 Employee

Bill Guidicy

2030 Employee

Marilyn Haberl

2030 Employee

David Heavin

2030 Employee

Tim Kaikkonen

2030 Employee

Chris Nyland

2030 Employee

Manuel Olmedo

2030 Employee

Justin Pohlmann

2030 Employee

Kelly Shrum

2030 Employee

Brian Smith

2030 Employee

Ed Smith

2030 Employee

John Smith Sr.

2030 Employee
If you have ever had the pleasure of visiting the office of John J. Smith Sr., founder of John J. Smith Masonry Company, over the last 4 decades, you

Steve Stark

2030 Employee

Steve Stark

2030 Employee

David Tarter

2030 Employee

Steven Verby

2030 Employee

Ruth Vogelpohl

2030 Employee

Dawnetta Harrison
