2023 World of Concrete Recap

Words: Isa Stein

Words: Isa Stein, Multimedia Production Coordinator
Photos: MASONRY Magazine

Every year, the World of Concrete hosts many industry-leading innovations and events. The MCAA is happy to announce that 2023 was another successful year in Las Vegas. From productive meetings to our largest South of 40 yet, we want to thank everyone who participated. Take a look at our 2023 World of Concrete highlights below!

Foreman Development Course

The new Foreman Development Course was taught on Sunday, January 15th, and Monday, January 16th by three experienced masons in the industry. Jameel Ervin, Donnie Williams, and Tom Vacala provided attendees with successful ways to evolve through their role as a foreman. In addition, attendees learned various tips and tricks of the trade that three very experienced masons taught. Be sure to check back on www.masoncontractors.org for more information on upcoming classes and events this year. 

C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award

Each year, the Mason Contractors Association of America presents the C. DeWitt Brown Leadman Award to an individual who has provided exemplary leadership in advancing the masonry industry.

This year, Paul Oldham, President of Ollier Masonry Inc, received the honor during the MCAA’s Annual Board Meeting on Monday, January 16th.

“I haven't ever looked for recognition for doing what I have done over my career, but it is truly an honor to have received this award and be part of such a great group.  I have and will continue to give back to what has given to me.” – Paul Oldham

All individuals who have received this prestigious award have demonstrated a tireless dedication to our industry through years of volunteer support and hard work. They have helped ensure our industry remains vital for the many people employed through masonry.

Contractor Round Table 

Following the board meeting, the contractor round table took place on Monday, January 16th. The round table discussion is another convention favorite where contractors can discuss popular and relevant topics in the industry. Some of the topics discussed include: 

  • Block, Mortar, and Grout Projection
  • Material Delays
  • Communication on Job Sites
  • Bricklayer Sharing Program
  • Leading Industry Software
  • Employee Incentive and Morale

Contractor Lunch

For lunch, contractors got to experience a 3-course meal while hearing from Zeb Hering from Brazos Masonry. Zeb discussed the importance of business development positions and using social media, websites, and more digitization to bridge the gap between contractors today.

South of 40 at Topgolf

The South of 40 event held at Topgolf was a success with over 200 attendees. Guests enjoyed hitting golf balls, a buffet style dinner, and desserts. Throughout the night, various booths hosted raffles and competitions, outlined below.

PROSOCO’s Closest to the Pin Competition

National Concrete Masonry Association’s Raffle

Brick Industry Association’s Raffle

Federated Insurance’s Raffle

Booth’s Open 

On Tuesday, January 17th, the MCAA booth was set up and ready to go for the week. On the show floor, the MCAA was accompanied by industry leaders and great members. Thank you to all of those who stopped by and had the chance to talk with Todd about the MCAA and our benefits.

Thank you to those who hosted our team at their booths and press events!

The MCAA would like to thank everyone who participated in our events in Las Vegas. We enjoyed catching up with members, meeting new ones, and discussing the future of the industry. Together, we are stronger! #masonrystrong

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