Summer 2016: Table of Contents

Words: Dan Kamys
Masonry Design Summer 2016

Summer 2016: Table of Contents


Technology / Moisture Control

What Is A Rainscreen Wall?

As wall systems evolve, masonry contractors are increasingly being asked to install rainscreen wall systems. Masonry cavity walls and rainscreen walls share many of the same time-proven design principals that control water and prevent water damage, including a weather-resistant façade and a cavity between the façade and substrate, but there are a few key differences between them.
By Art Fox


Understanding Interdependencies Is The Key To Resilience

A perfect storm of risks threatens even the simplest of resiliency goals. And, if understanding and addressing these risks directly is not daunting enough, it perhaps is even more challenging to consider and address their interdependencies.
By Donna M. Huey

Technology / BIM-M

BIM-M for Masonry: New Design Tools And New Opportunities

Leaders from every facet of the masonry industry have been working together over the past few years to incorporate a better selection of masonry materials and systems into BIM software.
By David Sovinski

Materials / Manufactured Stone

Selecting Manufactured Stone Veneers For Any Application

For light commercial building such as hospitals, retail buildings and senior living facilities, manufactured stone veneers are offering cost-savings, speed of installation and great looks.
By Jim Cooper

Technology / Moisture Control

Airflow And Drainage In Your Exterior Walls

An Austin, Texas apartment uses Driwall™ Rainscreen 020-1 to help keep exterior walls from molding by creating ventilation and drainage.
By Jim O’Neill

Columns & Departments

From the Editor



LAR 300 Rotary Laser – Rugged, Precise, and Efficient Horizontal Leveling Made Easy

STABILA’s reputation for high-end measuring products and German engineering shines through in the LAR 300 Rotary Laser. This laser combines simple functionality with high precision across large distances and unmatched durability. Key Features Precision an

The Roman Empire – Hadrian’s Wall , Great Britain

In this article, we travel to the island of Great Britain, a land known for its Marvelous Masonry. From such icons as Stonehenge, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben Clock Tower, and their brick arch railway bridges, masonry has been the dominant building material

Vibing Masonry: Masonry for Safety, Security & Protection

Masonry conveys protection, shielding occupants from external threats. Masonry also provides strength and resistance—separation from and resistance to fire, resistance against projectiles and ballistics, robust defense against vandalizing mobs and spontan

About: Featured
“Elevated Safety” on Masonry Construction Sites: The Value of EZG's Hog Guard and Hoist Hog

In the bustling world of construction, safety isn't just a priority—it's a foundation. Nowhere is this more crucial than on masonry sites where block structures rise skyward. Each day, workers navigate scaffolding, maneuver materials, and tackle tasks tha