We Want To Showcase Your Projects!

Words: Bronzella Cleveland
The 7,000-sq.-ft. Lafayette College Arts Plaza in Easton, Pa., is an open-air space designed by Spillman Farmer Architects at a former auto-repair facility.

In the A/E/C world, your projects (be they buildings, hardscapes, etc.) are your calling card – your signature. They are how you and your firm get noticed, and therefore, earn more clients. By this logic, the more you are able to showcase your designs, the better your firm's bottom line. Enter the Masonry Design Gallery.

Masonry Design is building an online gallery of the best brick- block- and stone-clad structures designed by our readers. This gallery is for architects, engineers, specifiers, and materials suppliers who design and build with these materials. The goal of this site is to share your best work with your peers around the world, and to perhaps find inspiration for your next project. Please take a few moments to showcase your work, increase your firm’s exposure, and build your brand.

While we're putting the finishing touches on the site, please send your project images and descriptions to me (cory@lionhrtpub.com). I will upload them to our beta site for you. Once the site goes live in the coming days, you can register and then upload projects yourself – for free.

Update: The site is now live. Go to https://MDM.masonrydesignmagazine.com/gallery to view projects, and be sure to sign up to post your own images.

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