"How I Work"
Words: Bronzella Cleveland
For this year, and perhaps beyond, Masonry Design is looking to publish a series of articles titled "How I Work," or something to that effect. We would like for our community of architects, engineers, specifiers, and masons to share how they go about their jobs; what unique challenges they face, and how they overcome them; and why they chose their career path, etc.
Interested in participating? Please take a look below at the questions we suggest you answer. You can answer each of them in order, or use them as a guide for describing your work – a narrative format would work best. Thanks in advance for participating. If you have any questions, please contact me at cory@lionhrtpub.com.
How long have you been working in your chosen career?
What sparked your interest in your chosen career?
What is your current job title/position?
Please describe a typical day on the job.
How do you explain to the layperson what your job entails?
How do you expect your job/position to change in the next 5 years? 10 years?